Upclycled artprints envelopes | enveloppen van kunst boeken. Green Design Choice #2.
Upcycled envelopes - Did you see them on Instagram already? Since a few months we make our own envelopes for most of the mailbox size mailings. Woolfelt is very protective and strong and therefore we believe a felt case or cover does not need a plastic airmail envelope. The second-hand shop is just across the street of our atelier and I made it a sport to find the most colorful Dutch landscapes or art prints for the new envelopes. In the meantime my friends have started cleaning their bookshelfs and I can postpone my visits to my second hand neighbors till at least - next year :) Did you receive a Rien Poortvliet or Herman Brood envelope already? Did you like it? Let us know! Hint - Of course the very best practice would be if you are re-using the envelope !!!
Benefits for this sweet project are numerous but... this project needs a little refining. First upgrade is: no more cellotape. I really dislike the plastic layer on the nice prints/envelopes but we need to not forget that the envelopes need to ensure a really needed to close the envelopes properly. So, today a box with paper cellotape arrived meaning from now on -- there is NO MORE PLASTICS on the up cycled art print envelopes. Yeah!